Assets: Preventive Maintenance
The Assets tab displays the assets and locations that are associated with a preventive maintenance schedule.
For each Asset/Location, the following information is displayed:
Name: Indicates the name or ID of the asset, along with the following additional information:
If a work order has been generated for this asset, work order information will be listed. This information is green unless the next scheduled maintenance is determined by completion of a work order that remains open, in which case it will be red.
Whether the asset is in-service.
Whether the PM is disabled.
The next scheduled date based on the PM Cycle Date for a given attribute, for more information, see Scheduling by Organizational Unit.
Parent Location: Indicates the location of the asset including all locations listed above this asset in the asset hierarchy.
Route Order: Indicates the route order for generation of work orders. Route order determines sequencing for work order generation, which is useful for print order in some organizations.
Next Scheduled: Indicates the next scheduled date for maintenance for this asset, based on this schedule. This value is calculated using the information on the Schedule and Procedures tabs. If this is a meter based schedule, the next scheduled meter interval for maintenance will be listed instead of a date. If the next scheduled maintenance date is based on work order completion and an open work order exists, the date will likely change once the work order has been completed.
Next Procedure: Indicates the next scheduled procedure to be performed for this asset.
Enabled: Indicates whether the schedule is enabled for this asset.
The Repair Center filter allows you to filter the assets to those associated with a particular Repair Center. The filtering is done based on the PM asset record, not the Repair Center currently specified on the asset. If you selected the Use Asset Defaults check box, this may be different than the Repair Center that will propagate to the generated work order.
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